  • Campus II SAP in Walldorf

    With the new Campus II building in Walldorf, "SAP city", an office and spatial concept has been achieved which is designed to meet the highest demands with respect to room air conditioning, room acoustics and flexible floor plans.

    Photo © SAP AG / Stefan Schilling
  • Campus II SAP in Walldorf

Wall air passage INDULSNAP - SAP Deutschland AG - Walldorf: Campus II

With the new Campus II building in Walldorf, the Häussler Group from Stuttgart has created an office and space concept that fulfils the most demanding requirements with respect to temperature, humidity and acoustics combined with a flexible interior layout. Future-oriented workplaces and the well-being of the employees were the guiding principles.

With 2,100 new office workplaces, 24 conference rooms, and a cafeteria seating 1,500 persons, this new landmark building in Walldorf's "SAP City" has been successfully completed.

Read more in the project report ↓

Object: SAP Deutschland AG in Walldorf, Campus II
Architects: Vorfelder Freie Architekten Walldorf
Proprietor and investor: SAP AG
Consultant, building services: Zimmermann + Partner GmbH Walldorf
Consultant, building physics: GH Bauphysik Finkenberger + Kollegen, Stuttgart
Installation: INDULSNAP V45K 2.750 units
Air flow: up to 160 m³/hm
Input attenuation: 34 dB
Supply air temperature difference: up to max. -8 K
Diffuser width: 45 mm

Project report PDF download

SAP Campus II Walldorf ↓

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Function wall air passage INDULSNAP

INDULSNAP is a linear diffuser for installation in partition walls with integral silencer offering a high degree of comfort. The supply air is fed into the room through numerous individual jets guided by aerodynamically formed fins. The ducts for supplying and extracting air are best installed in the ceiling hollow space of that floor. The main distribution ducts to individual rooms require a minimum of space for Installation.

System advantages

  • With integral silencer
  • For use as inlet or outlet
  • Greater thermal comfort due to draught-free air supply
  • Absorption box can be installed in partition wall
  • Requires no space in room
  • Fast installation
  • Easy to clean, as specified in VDI 6022, due to removable air guide profiles

Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH

Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH is a leading company in the field of ventilation, air handling and air conditioning technology. Our range of services includes consulting, planning and execution of systems for thermal comfort and industrial air conditioning, as well as the associated installation and maintenance. For almost four decades, Kiefer has also been selling high grade ventilation components worldwide, such as linear diffusers, wall passages, displacement outlets, light and acoustic sails, chilled ceiling panels and concrete core cooling systems, developed in the company's own laboratories.

© 2025 Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH