  • Feel-good climate for people

    With over 140 years of experience, Kiefer stands for innovative and environmentally friendly air-conditioning technology.

  • Kiefer Luft- und Klimatechnik

    Innovations with air. Technical and design excellence is our motivation.

  • Luftbild Kiefergelände

    Take on a new perspective

    With the aim to find innovative, optimized and energy efficent ways of room air conditioning.


Since 1877, the way Kiefer thinks and acts has revolved around optimum solutions and products. The aim has always been to create ventilation and air-conditioning technology that is fit for people, does not harm the environment and saves energy – and today more than ever. Our customers' satisfaction is very important to us. This means that we are on hand during every phase of the project: from the initial sketch through the finished project all the way to installation and maintenance services.


  • Kiefer Produktübersicht Lufttauslässe
  • Kiefer Anlagenbau
  • Kiefer Strömungsversuch

Our range of services

  • Plant engineering for optimised comfort and industrial air conditioning: for offices, organisations, hospitals, libraries and museums, as well as in mechanical engineering and in the high-tech, textile, plastics, chemical, automotive, beverage and food industries
  • Linear diffusers, wall air passages, ceiling air diffusers, displacement outlets, chilled ceiling systems and concrete core cooling with air
  • Consulting & planning, design and installation, maintenance & customer service: full service from a single source
  • Research and development in our in-house laboratory, where we develop innovative products for the international air-conditioning market and carry out detailed analyses of ambient air flow
  • Many years of experience and specialised knowledge of processes in a wide range of sectors
  • Close collaboration with building owners, architects, planning offices and engineering firms
  • Large sales network both nationally and internationally

Our trademark
Kiefer air diffusers stand for draught-free air distribution, high quality, attractive design and perfect installation details for unobtrusive integration into the room.



Facts and figure

Company: Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH
Location: Heilbronner Straße 380 - 388
70469 Stuttgart, Germany
Telefon +49 711 81 09-0
Founded: 1877
Product Overview: Linear diffusers
Wall air passages
Air diffusers
Displacement outlets
Chilled ceiling panels
Air/water systems
Concrete core cooling with air
Light and acoustic sails
Service profile: Plant engineering (construction of complete ventilation and air-conditioning plants for the non-residential sector), maintenance, customer service, consulting, planning, research
Managing Directors: Ingo Kiefer, business graduate
Personnel: 100
Markets: National, European, Global
International Representation: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, France, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, South-East Asia and United Arab Emirates.
Certification: Quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
Other activities: Apprenticing company, member of ITGA (Industrieverband Technische Gebäudeausrüstung [Industrial Association for Technical Building Equipment]), FGK (Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e.V. [Trade Association for Buildings and Climate])
  • Wherever you need us - we are there!

    You have a project and need professional help? Our sales representatives are glad to advise you individually.

    Find the right Kiefer Sales Contact


Member of ITGA

Industrial association of technical building equipment.

Go directly to  ITGA-BW»

Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e.V

Leading industry association of the German air conditioning and ventilation industry.
For more information visit FGK directly»

Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft

Responsibility as an employer and engine of the economy.

Read more»


The founder

Company founder Georg Kiefer was born in Nuremberg in 1842, the son of a sculptor.  He initially trained as a carpenter, but then took work in Berlin and Frankfurt in the food industry. During the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71 he performed his duty as a civilian caterer and then went on to run a food shop in Marseilles for several years.



The founding years

Many people who worked in flour processing suffered from health problems as a result of the formation of dust. This motivated him to found the company “Stuttgarter Maschinenfabrik Gg. Kiefer”, in Rotebühlstrasse in Stuttgart, on 18 March 1877 and to develop ventilation plants for application in these areas. He sold his products not only within Germany but also to many neighbouring countries and as far away as Africa and South America. In 1882 he purchased a mill in the Feuerbach district of Stuttgart to use as a new production site.


The growth years

  • Rapid expansion of the product range
  • Extractors and dust filters for many more ranges of application
  • Heating and drying plants
  • Plants for demisting and chip conveying
  • Introduction of oxyacetylene welding in 1904


The war years and global economic crisis

  • Shortage of raw materials, employees drafted for national services and economic crises presented setbacks
  • Nevertheless, industrialisation continued and new buildings were erected
  • Construction of large fans and entire ventilation plants
  • Low point in 1945 when buildings were destroyed and machines had to be moved out


Economic recovery

  • High capacity wood dryers, gas-heated air heating systems
  • 1957 – legal status changed to GmbH
  • Fans for various applications, computerised air conditioning, plants for complete comfort and industrial air conditioning


Innovation of linear diffuser systems

  • 1974 – move to the new administrative buildings
  • Emphasis on comfort in open-plan offices and development of profiled reflector ceiling
  • Construction of a state-of-the-art development and testing laboratory in 1981
  • Planning and construction of specialised plants for the beverage industry


Setup and expansion of the business area of components

  • 5th generation joins the business: Clemens Kiefer (1988) and Ingo Kiefer (1994)
  • Launch of the chilled ceiling panel INDUCOOL
  • Launch of concrete core cooling with air CONCRETCOOL
  • Internationalisation through a number of new agencies in Europe and Asia


Global economic crisis and recovery

  • 2008 – greatest economic crisis of the post-war years
  • Inauguration of the new Development Centre in 2009


Further development and expansion

  • Production facilities moved
  • Administrative building renovated
  • Modernization of the company appearance


Change of company name to Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH

  • On 1st April 2020, Maschinenfabrik Gg. Kiefer GmbH becomes Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH
  • The Kiefer brand logo was adapted to the new name

Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH

Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH is a leading company in the field of ventilation, air handling and air conditioning technology. Our range of services includes consulting, planning and execution of systems for thermal comfort and industrial air conditioning, as well as the associated installation and maintenance. For almost four decades, Kiefer has also been selling high grade ventilation components worldwide, such as linear diffusers, wall passages, displacement outlets, light and acoustic sails, chilled ceiling panels and concrete core cooling systems, developed in the company's own laboratories.

© 2025 Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH