  • haus salzkammergut, Gmunden

    The new competence centre haus salzkammergut in Gmunden, Austria.

    Photo © Gerd Kressl
  • Following a year and a half of construction work, the listed former forestry commission office has now been transformed into a lively place of interaction.

    Photo © Gerd Kressl

haus salzkammergut, Gmunden

Gmunden's Klosterplatz square is now home to a competence centre which combines the established and the new. "haus salzkammergut" functions as a modernistic bank branch, as an innovation centre for entrepreneurs and start-ups and as a meeting place for people from the region. Following a year and a half of construction work, the listed former forestry commission office has now been transformed into a lively place of interaction. This is where old meets new, where tradition and innovation coexist in harmony. The dynamic and vibrant character of haus salzkammergut stems from the diversity of its clientele – customers, entrepreneurs, employees, innovators, lateral thinkers and those who come to relax or chat over good food or a cup of coffee.


Special Features:

The first-rate conference rooms in the new part of the building were designed with louvred acoustic ceilings for noise insulation and equipped with recirculation units for cooling, with a supply air temperature difference of up to -14 K. Linear diffusers with thermal insulation ensure pleasant, draught-free air distribution. Involving Kiefer early on in the design of the ventilation and air conditioning system made it possible to conform to the architects' outlines and achieve perfect integration of the INDUL linear diffusers into the louvred acoustic ceiling. In the consulting areas, INDUL linear diffusers have been arranged asymmetrically on the wall, so as not to interrupt the structure of the perforated acoustic ceilings and the lighting.

Read more in the project report ↓

Object: www.haussalzkammergut.at - Gmunden, Austria
Proprietor: Raiffeisenbank Salzkammergut, Gmunden, Austria
Planner: Ing. Wolfgang Taus, Ried im Innkreis, Austria
Architects: Hinterwirth Architekten, Gmunden, Austria
Linear diffuser systems: About 90 meters INDUL in various designs
Completion: 2018

Project report PDF download

INDUL salzkammergut Gmunden ↓

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Function linear diffuser INDUL:

The supply air is divided into fine individual jets which distribute the supply air into the room at an angle of 45° alternately to the left and to the right. The result is an especially uniform air distribution with an optimal diffuse ambient air flow, and no noticeable draughts.

System advantages

  • Completely draught-free air distribution
  • Low diffuser widths, from 15 mm
  • Unobtrusive installation in ceiling joints
  • Temperature differences up to -14 K
  • Light, clean ceilings due to fine-jet characteristics
  • Simple, quick and clean installation in all ceiling systems

Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH

Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH is a leading company in the field of ventilation, air handling and air conditioning technology. Our range of services includes consulting, planning and execution of systems for thermal comfort and industrial air conditioning, as well as the associated installation and maintenance. For almost four decades, Kiefer has also been selling high grade ventilation components worldwide, such as linear diffusers, wall passages, displacement outlets, light and acoustic sails, chilled ceiling panels and concrete core cooling systems, developed in the company's own laboratories.

© 2025 Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH