The German political party CSU chose the former building of the publisher Langenscheidt Verlag in the Mies-van-der-Rohe Straße 1 for its new headquarters. However, beforehand it was necessary to modify the 15 year-old building to cater for the requirements of the new owner. The focus was on the technical modernization and equipment of the meeting rooms and function rooms. This included replacement of the air conditioning systems. The high cooling loads and large air flow rates made completely new planning necessary, which at the same time had to ensure optimal heating comfort for the users. Due to very good experience in the implementation of previous projects with Kiefer, the engineering planning office ITG GmbH Landshut decided for a combination of INDUCOOL chilled ceiling panels and INDUL linear diffusers.
The architects' office Weickenmeier, Kunz + Partner was impressed by the attractive appearance and the seamless integration of the components into the ceiling design. Detailed planning with all of those involved in the project enabled to create a successful combination of sophisticated air conditioning and visually attractive ceiling design.
The challenge in this project was the combination of different requirements: High cooling loads in the meeting rooms and conference area on the one hand, and adaptation to the special room geometry, which is essentially characterised by the curved façade on the other. This was a case of putting a square peg into a round hole, rather than a round peg into a square hole. The high density of the function equipment also required a large amount of space in the ceiling. While the INDUCOOL panels meet the requirements for the high cooling load, the increased air flow rates are covered by the INDUL linear diffusers. With this innovative combination, all of the outline conditions could be optimally met under the very high conditions for comfort.
Building: | CSU Party Headquarters Munich |
Proprietor: | Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern e. V. |
Architects: | Weickenmeier, Kunz + Partner Architekten, Ingenieure GmbH, Munich |
Consultant: | ITG GmbH, Eching/Weixerau |
Components: | 150 lfm INDUCOOL-Compact chilled ceiling panels, 70 lfm linear diffusers INDUL V24 and V45 |
Completion: | 2016 |
INDUCOOL NEW CSU Party Headquaters Munich ↓
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INDUCOOL cools with air and water. Most of the thermal energy is removed quickly and economically by cooling water. High-quality air diffusers ensure a high degree of comfort and optimum air distribution.
Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH is a leading company in the field of ventilation, air handling and air conditioning technology. Our range of services includes consulting, planning and execution of systems for thermal comfort and industrial air conditioning, as well as the associated installation and maintenance. For almost four decades, Kiefer has also been selling high grade ventilation components worldwide, such as linear diffusers, wall passages, displacement outlets, light and acoustic sails, chilled ceiling panels and concrete core cooling systems, developed in the company's own laboratories.
© 2025 Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH