  • CLAAS Harsewinkel New Building Atrium

    With comfortable, energy-efficient office and meeting rooms featuring flexible divisions, an atrium for events and an elegant entrance area. Maximum energy efficiency and careful use of resources are an absolute must.

    Photo © Andrea Felske

Concrete core cooling CONCRETCOOL - New Building Atrium Claas Harsewinkel

People make CLAAS: With its new administration building at the company headquarters in Harsewinkel, the global manufacturer of energy-efficient farming machinery and devel-oper of agricultural technology is certainly living up to this motto. The high-efficiency buil-ding provides a modern, comfortable working environment which encourages communication between employees.
The four-storey building comprises an elegant entrance area opposite the Technoparc, conference and meeting rooms from the ground floor to the top floor, plus a new computer centre and the historical archive in the basement.
A covered atrium provides space for events, exhibitions and presentations. As the office areas have flexible divisions, they can be arranged as individual offices or open-plan spaces. The building features daylight-dependent lighting which is controlled via movement sensors for optimum results. The thermal load generated by people, computers, lighting, etc. in the offices during working hours is used to heat the atrium. Both measures contribute towards minimising energy and heat loss.


Special climate control features

The new Atrium building features one CONCRETCOOL pipe module per 1500 mm construction grid. Each pipe module has a nominal width of 80 mm, approximately 5.5 running metres of active ribbed pipe and an air-side load of 50 – 75 m³/h. The specified quantity of fresh air (7.8 m³/h m²) which is pumped into the offices by the CONCRETCOOL system enters the pipes at an intake temperature of 12°C and is heated nearly to ambient temperature by the energy stored in the ceilings. When the ventilation technology system is operated for 12 hours, the CONCRETCOOL system can recool a stationary cooling load of 35 W/m² in the offices; with 20 hours of operation, it can even achieve 60 W/m². The operational ambient temperature does not exceed 24.5°C in normal operation. The extract air is extracted centrally in the corridors via the INDUSILENT cross-flow elements which are integrated in the corridor walls and feature sound absorbers.

Read more in the project report ↓

Building: CLAAS Harsewinkel - New building Atrium Harsewinkel near Gütersloh
Architects: Heitmann Architekten, Gütersloh
Proprietor: CLAAS KGaA mbH
Lighting planning: Scharkon Lichtkonzepte
Scope: 9,000 m² total floor area
  12,500 m² conditioned area
System: Concrete core cooling with air CONCRETCOOL

Project report PDF download

CONCRETCOOL New Building Atrium Claas Harsewinkel ↓

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Function concrete core cooling CONCRETCOOL

In contrast to conventional systems, the supply air is not fed directly to the room, but first flows through aluminium cooling tubes embedded in the ceiling. The supply air cools the ceiling in the process. At the same time, the heat recovered is used to heat the supply air.

System advantages

  • Optimum thermal comfort
  • No additional ceiling cooling needed
  • Energy savings of up to 50% possible through free cooling
  • Full flexibility through modular distribution of cooling tubes
  • Cooling with outdoor air without use of recirculation air
  • Building cost reduction through low floor height

Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH

Kiefer Klimatechnik GmbH is a leading company in the field of ventilation, air handling and air conditioning technology. Our range of services includes consulting, planning and execution of systems for thermal comfort and industrial air conditioning, as well as the associated installation and maintenance. For almost four decades, Kiefer has also been selling high grade ventilation components worldwide, such as linear diffusers, wall passages, displacement outlets, light and acoustic sails, chilled ceiling panels and concrete core cooling systems, developed in the company's own laboratories.

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